
Our Core Technology

Since our founding in 2004, Si-Ware has been leading technical innovation in FT-NIR Spectroscopy. Using a technique known as MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical-systems), Si-Ware has created a breakthrough technology that delivers outstanding performance, reliability, portability, and affordability to the field of NIR Spectroscopy.

In the years since, and after more than 80 patents and patent applications and dozens of published research articles, Si-Ware has made proprietary advancements in MEMS systems, electrical, optical and mechanical systems which has resulted in the integration of a complete and complex Michelson interferometer on a chip. Thousands of Si-Ware MEMS Optical spectrometers are trusted in daily use for quality analysis in a wide variety of applications.

Extending across a multitude of industries, and a vast array of use cases, Si-Ware technology delivers broad sample and component coverage, analysis accuracy, sample penetration depth, instant results and holistic data analytics, as well as device mobility, ruggedness and ease-of-use.

Basics of NIR Spectroscopy

Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy is a technique that measures the response of NIR light on a sample material and uses this information to determine the composition or other qualities. Every compound, and especially those with NH, CH and OH bonds, has a unique absorption of NIR light.

During the calibration process, prediction models are developed which characterize the relationship between the NIR spectra of a material and properties such as moisture, oil, protein, fiber, digestibility and other parameters.

Once a prediction model is developed and validated, it can be used to obtain results from new samples of the material in seconds, saving time and money on laboratory analyses.

NIR Absorption spectra chart

NIR Spectroscopy Advantages

Trusted Technique
NIR spectroscopy has been validated and has long been in used as a standard material analysis technique, and a decision-making tool in a wide variety of applications and industries since the1950s.

Low-cost measurement
No need to buy consumables. This means no variable costs are associated to each measurement. With your devices and subscriptions, you can take as many measurements as needed.

Instant Results
No need to wait for alteration in material’s physical or chemical properties to get a result. Insights about a material’s composition can be obtained right after performing the measurement.

No chemicals
Analysis can be done without any reagents. No need to worry about hazardous materials risks when performing a measurement.

Little to no sample preparation
In most cases, the analysis is non-destructive. Measurements can be done on samples the same way they are used in normal operation.

Your investment in buying a device will pay off in the many different ways you can use the instrument.

Easy operation
The analysis and the interpretation of the results can be done easily and with minimum training. With careful design of the instrument, measurements can be performed by non-experts in spectroscopy.

Multiple parameters
No need to use different techniques to get insights about the different compositions of a sample. With only one measurements, different parameters can be analyzed simultaneously.

Technical Breakthrough in FT-NIR Spectroscopy

Dozens of patents and published research papers represent our technical advancements in FT-NIR. Conventional FT-NIR instruments are designed around an optical engine and source with many components and surfaces. We miniaturized a full NIR spectrum spectrometer onto a Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) semiconductor chip that includes the necessary optical, mechanical and electrical components to be a complete Michelson Interferometer.

We also improved on the basic spectrometer design to add automatic self-calibration. Additionally, we added a powerful computational engine that enables key features including the Fourier Transform (FT).

S-Ware Proprietary MEMS Chip Design

Si-Ware FT-NIR Technology Advantages

Widest spectral range
Wider spectral ranges enable detecting more information about a sample with a single measurement. Operating at higher wavelengths allows more accurate detection and distinction between spectral bands.

Throughput and multiplex advantages
A feature of FT-NIR, this gives NeoSpectra the ability to have versatile designs for sample illumination and collection depending to meet the needs of different applications with minimal impact on performance.

Chip production technology
The semiconductor chip-based components enable high volume manufacturability at much lower costs compared to other instruments. This enables new levels of affordability for high-performance spectrometers.

Response that races against the scan
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) designed specifically to NeoSpectra sensors to make the time between a scan and the result as fast a few seconds.

Made to move
Si-Ware sensors provide a high degree of portability and enable operation in unconventional surroundings. Devices can be subject to shocks, vibrations, and temperatures variations higher than ever before.

Small Design
The small size and light weight sensors allow for the creation of new usage models for spectroscopy.

Low number of components
Lower number of reflective surfaces, and photodetectors significantly reduces the cost of maintenance, and variability of performance across devices. It also makes FT-NIR instruments less susceptible to variation in the operating conditions.

FT-NIR systems have internal mechanisms that allow detection of instrument errors and correcting some of those errors. This ensures the long-term usability of Si-Ware devices with little concern on the effect of environmental conditions or aging on the performance.

Compare the "Neo" way versus conventional


Single-chip Michelson interferometer with monolithic opto-electro-mechanical structure.

Components are intrinsically aligned by lithography.

On-chip electrical sensing of capacitance between the motor driver and fixed structure.

Core Engine

Bulky Michelson interferometer with discrete optical, mechanical, and electrical components.

Optical Alignment

Misalignment in interferometers' components deteriorates performance.

Measuring the Position of the Moving Mirror

Additional interferometer with He-Ne Laser for position sensing.

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